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  • Writer's pictureFrancesca Delisle

Marilyn the Overcomer!

Nearal here!

Let me introduce you to Marilyn at She is a Gig Worker! She is what Nearal is made for.

Marilyn is a Wellness Coach. She helps people with Chronic illness overcome their pain. They can find the strength that they didn't even know they had and move confidently into the life of their dreams.

Marilyn comes with 30 years of experience in Chronic Illness. She is genuinely an overcomer!

Marilyn was 9 when the pain first flared up in her right knee. Her knee was fever-hot, swollen, and locked. Within a year, the pain spread to every joint in her body, from her toes, jaw, and skull. Bone grinding on bone every time she moved or spoke. She lived life in pain.

Doctors diagnosed Marilyn with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, an autoimmune disease—rare in children—that inflames the joints and worsens with age. The prognosis came with powerful prescriptions.

Marilyn, who used a wheelchair for more than a decade, felt like a zombie moving in a fog. Opiates made her sleepy, sweaty, and nauseous. Steroids made her face round and swollen, hair falling out, and skin delicately thin and opaque. Her teenage years were full of pain and a lot of sleep.

One day, pained by seeing her daughter incapacitated by the side-effects of the narcotics and this disease, Marilyn's mom dispatched a driver to deliver cannabis capsules. 20 years old at the time, laying in bed, recovering from a surgery in which a doctor broke her bones to straighten out her contorted ankles. She popped one pill—25 milligrams—then another, unsure of what to expect. As the THC hit her system, relief flooded her broken body.

"My muscles relaxed, the pain was gone, but I didn't feel like throwing up. My mind was clear again."

This disease completely changed her life! Her doctors told her that she wouldn't be able to live everyday life. Being a woman of strength and conviction, no one could say she couldn't do something! She moved in herself and changed the trajectory of her life.

She has been able to get off of 90% of all her medications literally. Doctors told her she would take a lot of these medications for the rest of her life.

Arthritis does not own Marilyn today, to say the least! She has been able to flip the script on the life her doctors told her she would have. She is vivacious and joyful. Once a representation of arthritis's ravages, her hands are now a model of the life she has designed. Through meditation and yoga, she has been able to flatten out her bony and knotted hands.

Marilyn today is living her best life! She has 2 happy children and is engaged to the love of her life. She now shares her wisdom with others. She empowers others be the Champion Overcomer in their own lives!

This is how Marilyn will Nearal!

How will you Nearal?

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